Hybrid/attenuator system installed in British Columbia, Canada
Debris Catcher barrier with lambda posts in Canada
Installation of anti-avalanches type TS-LV in Austria
Rock fall protection at Vela Draga, Croatia
5000 kJ barrier test in Erzberg (Austria)
750 kN/m Debris Catcher barrier in British Columbia, Canada
Barriers against debris flows, combining Gully Net and Debris Retainer, in Salzburg (Austria)
Snow Rake avalanche barrier, in Austria
Snow Catcher type avalanche barrier, in Austria
River protection with mattresses and gabions, in Canada
Advice and emergency management due to the landslide of 60,000 m3 of rock in Vía Alóag, Ecuador
Stabilization of a rock of more than 200 tons with Omega Net mesh, in Austria
Debris Catcher barrier, in Austria
Full-scale test field for debris flow barriers, in Tyrol (Germany)